> 文章列表 > 这个体恤衫是什么颜色的英语?




Have you ever looked at a shirt and wondered what its true color is? Perhaps you saw a shirt that appeared to be one color under artificial lighting, but seemed to be a completely different hue when you saw it in natural light. In this article, we will explore different factors that can influence the perceived color of clothing.


One of the biggest factors that can influence the perceived color of clothing is lighting. Bright and warm lighting can make a shirt appear one color, while dimer and cooler lighting can make it appear different. For example, a red shirt under warm lights may appear more pink, while the same shirt under cooler lights may appear more maroon.

Fabric and Dye

The type of fabric and dye used on a shirt can also impact its perceived color. Some fabrics, especially those made from natural materials like cotton, can be more difficult to dye evenly. This can create shade variations that can make a shirt appear to be two different colors. Additionally, the type of dye used can also impact color perception. Dyes that are more prone to fading, like those used on some vintage shirts, may appear more muted or washed out compared to newer and more vibrant dyes.

Screen Displays

In today's digital age, many people purchase clothes online. However, what they see on their computer or phone screens may not accurately reflect the true color of the item. Different screen displays can have variations in color calibration, which can alter the perceived color of clothing. This is why it's always important to read the product description, as well as check the reviews or even reach out to the seller for clarification on the true color of a piece of clothing.

Personal Perception

Lastly, personal perception can also play a role in how we perceive the color of clothing. Our own individual color biases and prejudices can influence what we see. For example, someone who loves the color green may see a shirt with a lot of green in it as brighter and more vibrant than someone who dislikes the color green. Additionally, the mental state of an individual can also impact how they perceive color. A person who is feeling down or stressed may see colors more muted or dull than someone who is feeling happy and energized.


In conclusion, the color of clothing is not always straightforward and can be influenced by many factors. Lighting, fabric, dye, screen displays, and personal perception can all play a big role in how we perceive color. The next time you see a shirt and wonder what color it is, take into account these various factors that may be impacting the way you see it.